What is a Vehicle Maintenance Log?
A vehicle maintenance log is a historical record of the condition and repair work performed on an individual vehicle. It is used by commercial fleet owners ranging from small businesses to large transport operators for preventive maintenance, safety, and record keeping purposes. Vehicle maintenance logs can be used to document both maintenance work/ costings as well as general vehicle inspection checks.
How Can I Check My Car Maintenance History?
You can check your car maintenance history by taking a look at the vehicle maintenance log. In it, you will find the necessary information such as mileage, vehicle identification number, and documentation of previous repairs. These details can help you understand the possible issues with the car and how to properly maintain it for longer use.
Which is a Reason to Use a Vehicle Maintenance Log?
A vehicle maintenance log can help you keep track of your car maintenance schedule. Sending your vehicle for maintenance on time can help prevent it from malfunctioning unexpectedly. Using a vehicle maintenance log also helps you identify defects and performance issues early. This leads to better management of vehicle downtime and can reduce maintenance costs in the long term.
3 Tips for an Effective Vehicle Maintenance Record-keeping Program
An effective vehicle maintenance recordkeeping program can help businesses reduce critical downtime, promote driver safety, manage maintenance costs and support insurance claims. Here are 3 tips that can help your business implement an effective vehicle maintenance record-keeping program:
1. Capture critical information only
Make vehicle maintenance records easy to navigate by indicating important vehicle details such as car make and model, insurance information, and vehicle identification number. Document inspections, maintenance, and repairs in detail by indicating the person who conducted it, date of completion, and mileage numbers. You can also make reminders such as getting brakes checked or air filters changed. In the event of a vehicle getting involved in an accident, take note of all damages, cost of repairs and replacement parts.
2. Schedule periodical maintenance
Scheduling frequent vehicle maintenance inspections is important to ensure information is gathered regularly. Create a register of all vehicles in your fleet and prepare a maintenance schedule for each vehicle including frequency of inspection and person assigned to complete the inspection. Ensure you communicate with the relevant persons assigned to perform the inspection.
3. Take lots of photo evidence
Photos can give you visibility of your vehicle’s condition. Photo evidence helps support required repair work and cost estimates. Photos also help support insurance claims in the event of poor maintenance or repairs performed in your vehicles. Ensure all photo evidence is referenced to the specific vehicle and the time the inspection was performed.